Thursday, October 7, 2010

10 Months

Nina is ten months old!

Actually, closer to 10.5, or maybe closer to 11? Anyways, it's hardly surprising this took so long, as Nina is busy busy busy these days. She loves to scoot around the house, and is pulling herself up on anything that appears relatively stable -- chair legs, laundry bins, bathtubs, mom's legs, etc. When she's not looking for us to serve as her human jungle gym, it's amazing how self-sufficient she is with this newfound freedom!

Nina's hair is slowly getting longer, though it's hard to tell as it continues to develop into little spiral curls on top of her head. She's a champion eater these days as well -- sometimes competing with her sister in terms of quantity (Sammy can usually push into the lead once she hears this, however). Nina continues to be a mellow, happy girl, much to our delight!

Here are a few pictures of Nina doing one of her favorite things these days -- the swings. Fortunately (we think?) she has a big sister to give her "underdogs"!

And here's Nina decked out with Paul before one of the first Husky football games. Nina stayed home with a babysitter, but she was spirited nonetheless.

1 comment:

Joe, Jennifer, Clara, Hannah, Eliza, Isaiah said...

Wow!! She looks totally different again! I can't believe you are almost to 1 year again....amazing how fast it goes. She is adorable!!!