Thursday, July 29, 2010

8 Months!

Nina is eight months old!

This month has been so busy, (evidenced by how behind I am on this blog...Nina is actually about 8 1/2 months old now, but oh well), that I realized we have very few good pictures of Nina at 8 months. Alas, the life of a second child. So, I thought I'd post this video instead. This is Nina at her Grandma's house, enjoying the new swing in the front yard, with some help from her dad and her big sister. Clearly, she loved it! [I apologize in advance if it makes you a bit dizzy to watch!]

I feel like a broken record, but Nina continues to amaze us with her happy, mellow demeanor. The perfect example of this is her morning routine. It is rare that Nina makes any "peeps" (Sammy's word) in the morning, let alone cries, and often we decide we'll need to wake her up so we can get ready for school/work. When we finally enter her room (Sammy leading the charge, of course), there she is, usually wide awake, propped up on her tummy, giving us a huge smile. It's as if she's saying, "Oh, there you all are, I was just hanging out here but gosh, it's great to see you!"

Nina is now officially a backwards-scooting, log-rolling baby, able to cover some ground, but still chomping at the bit to get some forward motion mixed in. It really seems like a matter of days, not weeks, before those legs start moving her closer to the elusive toys, not farther away. In the meantime, we're relishing these last days of relative immobility -- babyproofing, here we come!

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