Monday, April 26, 2010

5 Months!

Nina is five months old!

Nina continues to be a happy, happy baby, always quick with a smile or laugh. She loves to be in a standing position now, whether it be in her "office" (exersaucer), on your lap, on the counter, etc. She also now tries to grab anything and everything (nose or cheek included) to put in her mouth. She continues to sleep really well and, while bottles are not totally dialed in yet for every situation, she's made some major strides on that front (after enduring a couple intense "bottle boot camp" days with mom...).

Nina is a little over 16 pounds now, and still has very little hair (though some little whisps seem to be forming, if you look closely enough). She gets red cheeks just like her sister, and her eyes are still very blue. She's got chubby calves that make it hard for her socks to stay on, and still has long fingers just like her mom. We still think she looks most like Sammy in the family.

Speaking of Sammy, this month Sam learned that she's sure to get a laugh from her baby sister if she busts out with her "silly dance." We were able to catch one such performance (and Nina's reaction), live at Cupcake Royale, a couple weeks ago -- here's the video:

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