Monday, March 1, 2010

3 Months!

Nina is 3 months old!

Much to our delight, Nina continues to be a very easy, mellow baby. She sleeps and eats great, and doesn't seem mind just hanging out and watching the rest of the family turn circles around her. She's becoming much more aware of the world around her, responding with smiles when one of us enters the room or talks to her, and reaching out to grab the toys in her crib or play mat.

And, now that she's a big 3-month-old, she decided it was time to do her first roll. How appropriate that it happened while she and I were at a "mommy and me" yoga class! We had several witnesses to her roll -- tummy to back -- two times in a row!
The same day, we caught what we think was Nina's first official laugh. Since then, we've heard it several times, especially when Sammy is goofing off for her, or when we're trying to wrestle her onesies off of her.

Our only big challenge at this point has been that Nina is stubbornly refusing to take a bottle. After some early successes, we probably got too lazy and didn't give it to her very much. Now, she simply won't take it. It's generally not a huge problem as I'm still on maternity leave for a while yet, but a little break now and then would be great! Any tips on how to tackle this problem would be much appreciated...we've heard we may need to just go cold turkey one day and eventually she'll give in!

Here are some pictures of Nina at 3 months.

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