Friday, July 25, 2008

Nine Months!

Samantha is now 9 months old! This summer seems to be flying by, and Sammy continues to be a very happy baby. A few other developments: She still has just two teeth (bottom middle), but we are pretty sure a couple more are coming soon. This month Sam learned to clap, and she now does it whenever I say "Yay!" Frequent tummy time, (never her favorite activity), seems to be moving her closer and closer to the day she'll start crawling, as she now pivots and barely inches her way toward toys that are just out of reach. In the meantime, she loves to stand, and squeals happily when we put her in front of a table or chair to stand against. Finally, Sam is slowly expanding her culinary repertoire, seemingly starting to enjoy foods beyond the puree peas and carrots. Following are a few recent pix of Sam at about 9 months, all courtesy of Gramps Breckenridge...

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