Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Park Days

The amazing summer weather we've been having brings with it lots of time for Sammy in the park, and lots of time chasing the ball through the grass -- definitely a favorite activity of hers. Here are a few pictures taken by Dick Breckenridge ("Gramps") from a recent trip to the park.

New Pictures

A few new pictures taken by our friend Gina Hasson, photographer extraordinaire!

Ring Around

Sam's friends Jill and Nate Sousley (and Justin) recently taught her what is now Sam's favorite activity - Ring Around the Rosies. Here she is playing it with them at Madison Park beach. It is now her preferred activity with mom and dad starting at oh, about 6:00 AM each day ("more rosies?"). Thanks guys! :)

Paul and Sam

This is just a great picture. Credit to Dick Breckenridge.

Sam and Becca

We spent a recent weekend in Portland celebrating Josh's graduation from the University of Oregon Doctorate in Education program, as well as Father's Day and several birthdays. Sammy had a ball hanging out with all of the family, especially her cousins Jake and Becca. Sam and Becca are only about 5 months apart and now that they are both close to 2 years old, the difference in ages seems much smaller. Here are a few pictures of the girls from a bonding moment over their matching cups of milk...

Big Girl Hair

Sammy continues to grow in so many ways (as evidenced by her rapidly changing shoe size...), but one of the most dramatic is to see how her hair keeps growing. She continues to have the very curly, slightly afro-y hair, and it can be pretty wild when she first wakes up. In the last couple months we've tried to tame it sometimes with pigtails. They don't usually last long before she pulls out the rubber bands, but are cute while they last!