Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Samantha!

Wow, Sammy is officially 1 year old! It sounds so cliche, but it really does go so fast. From our tiny little girl who spent most of her hours sleeping one year ago, we now have a wonderfully happy, spirited girl who keeps us on our toes! In this past month, Sammy has continued to master crawling, while also keeping her eye on the ultimate prize - walking. Whenever one of us is within reach, her hands are up, trying to grab ours so we can "walk" her around the house. Some other updates from this past month - we trimmed Sam's bangs for the first time, an in-house job (as if you couldn't tell from the pix!). She still has just the two teeth, though that doesn't seem to stop her from eating most things. She tried whole milk for the first time this week, and seems to like it. She continues to charm us by blowing kisses, clapping, and saying "Ba" for every ball-like object around her.

For her first birthday, we enjoyed breakfast at Burgermaster with the Cho-Thompsons, the Sousleys, and Aunt Abby (5 babies, three in high chairs - relaxing, yes?), and lunch and cupcakes at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Sam dabbled in the frosting but didn't get too far into the cupcake. She seemed to enjoy the spectable more than anything, with 5 adults gathered around, waiting to see what she did next!

Following are a few pictures, and a video, of the birthday girl...