Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Eight Months!

Samantha is now 8 months old! (Actually, 8.5 months, but hey, we're busy people...). Yet again, we wonder if things could possibly get any more fun with Sammy than they are right now. She is a very happy girl, and we always look forward to our time with her. She is also now a very vocal girl! Over this last month, she's moved from just making noises, to now making sounds that really sound like words. Of course, I am SURE that she's already got "Mama" down, but others might disagree...

Two big things have happened or are happening this month in Sam's life....First, after about four months of thinking she was teething anytime she was a little bit fussy, the elusive first teeth have finally appeared! We just discovered the tiny white caps (bottom front) the other day, and they are slowly making their way in. Second, sadly, this is the last week for our wonderful nanny Meg, who is moving to Alaska to pursue a writing career. This also means a big transition for all of us, as Samantha starts daycare on Capitol Hill on Monday. We look forward to all of the socialization she will be getting at her new "school," but there will certainly be growing pains as we enter this next phase with her.

Following are a few recent pictures of Samantha on the go -- at the M's game with Nani and Papa (Grandma and Grandpa Savage), playing horsey with Papa, riding in her spiffy new backpack with Paul, and playing in the front yard with Meg.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Video Time

Much to her delight, Samantha has learned that when she shakes things, they often make noise. She is also perfecting her wave. Both of these new talents are shown on the attached video...

A few more pix

Here are a few recent photos of Sammy enjoying some of her latest new activities - swinging on the swings with Grandma and Gramps, enjoying fine cuisine, and sitting up unassisted...life is good!

Take me out to the ballgame

It was only a matter of time until Samantha made it to her first Mariners baseball game! Sam went with us to a Saturday day game a couple weeks ago, where she got to watch the Mariners win 4-0 (no, that is not a typo!). She enjoyed staring at all of the fans around us, and actually made it through about 4 or 5 innings in the stands, before we took a long walk around Safeco field with her. Already a fan like her dad!

Remembering Great-Grandma Traverse

We are very sorry to report that Mary Patricia "Pat" Traverse, Samantha's great-grandmother and Karen's grandmother, passed away on May 20, 2008. Grandma's spunk and sense of humor always brought a spark to every family event, and she had a wonderful fondness for her great-grandchildren. Following are a couple photos of Grandma, one from a celebration of her 60th anniversary with Grandpa Don Traverse, several years ago, and another from a recent visit with Sammy. We will miss Grandma very much.