Monday, April 21, 2008

Six Months!

Samantha is now six months old! Wow, time flies. At her six month appointment, Samantha weighed in at 16 lbs, 3 oz (50th percentile), and is 26.25 inches long (75th percentile). She continues to be a very happy baby. We just started her on solid foods this weekend, and she took to the rice cereal immediately (who wouldn't, right?). She also has slept through the night several times in the past couple weeks, which we're hoping is a new trend...

Here are a few photos that Grandpa Breckenridge took on Sam's 6-month birthday.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

more live footage

We realized this blog is a little photo-heavy, a little video-light. So, here's another one of Sammy, saying hi from her car seat...

roll on

After many false alarms (and perhaps some false declarations of accomplishment from her parents), Samantha has now completed several full rolls from her back to tummy. Most often, however, she finds herself about 95% there, yet with an arm somewhat uncomfortably pinned beneath her. After a few moments of uncertainty, she typically returns to the comfort of lying on her back. One such moment was captured on video...